California, enorme incendio a est di Los Angeles, 8mila in fuga: «Le fiamme sono fuori controllo» – Le immagini

La Cherry Valley di Los Angeles sta bruciando ormai da due giorni e le immagini che arrivano dalla zona est della metropoli californiana mostrano un panorama infernale. Dalle 17 ora locale di venerdì 31 luglio, sono andati persi circa 12mila acri di vegetazione a causa delle alte fiamme, dicono i vigili del fuoco della contea di Riverside, ancora «fuori controllo».
epa08580054 Firefighters battle the ‘Apple Fire’ near Beaumont in Riverside County, California, USA, 01 August 2020. According to the Riverside County Fire Department, over 7,500 people have been evacuated as a wildfire that started on 31 July burns out of control in the area east of Los Angeles. EPA/DAVID SWANSON epa08580060 The ‘Apple Fire’ burns near Beaumont in Riverside County, California, USA, 01 August 2020. According to the Riverside County Fire Department, over 7,500 people have been evacuated as a wildfire that started on 31 July burns out of control in the area east of Los Angeles. EPA/DAVID SWANSON epa08580059 Smoke rises as the ‘Apple Fire’ burns near Beaumont in Riverside County, California, USA, 01 August 2020. According to the Riverside County Fire Department, over 7,500 people have been evacuated as a wildfire that started on 31 July burns out of control in the area east of Los Angeles. EPA/DAVID SWANSON epa08580048 A firefighter battles the ‘Apple Fire’ near Beaumont in Riverside County, California, USA, 01 August 2020. According to the Riverside County Fire Department, over 7,500 people have been evacuated as a wildfire that started on 31 July burns out of control in the area east of Los Angeles. EPA/DAVID SWANSON epa08580049 A burnt landscape as the ‘Apple Fire’ burns near Beaumont in Riverside County, California, USA, 01 August 2020. According to the Riverside County Fire Department, over 7,500 people have been evacuated as a wildfire that started on 31 July burns out of control in the area east of Los Angeles. EPA/DAVID SWANSON epa08580061 Smoke rises from the ‘Apple Fire’ near Beaumont in Riverside County, California, USA, 01 August 2020. According to the Riverside County Fire Department, over 7,500 people have been evacuated as a wildfire that started on 31 July burns out of control in the area east of Los Angeles. EPA/DAVID SWANSON epa08580064 The ‘Apple Fire’ burns near Beaumont in Riverside County, California, USA, 01 August 2020. According to the Riverside County Fire Department, over 7,500 people have been evacuated as a wildfire that started on 31 July burns out of control in the area east of Los Angeles. EPA/DAVID SWANSON epa08580050 The ‘Apple Fire’ burns near Beaumont in Riverside County, California, USA, 01 August 2020. According to the Riverside County Fire Department, over 7,500 people have been evacuated as a wildfire that started on 31 July burns out of control in the area east of Los Angeles. EPA/DAVID SWANSON epa08580052 Firefighters battle the ‘Apple Fire’ near Beaumont in Riverside County, California, USA, 01 August 2020. According to the Riverside County Fire Department, over 7,500 people have been evacuated as a wildfire that started on 31 July burns out of control in the area east of Los Angeles. EPA/DAVID SWANSON
Sono più di 7.800 le persone evacuate a causa dell’incendio. Sono stati allestiti all’interno di hotel locali nella Beaumont High School centri di accoglienza per i cittadini che hanno dovuto abbandonare le proprie abitazioni. In queste strutture, stando a quanto dichiarato dal portavoce dei vigili del fuoco Rob Roseen, sono applicati tutti i protocolli per evitare il contagio da Coronavirus: screening della temperatura all’ingresso, obbligo di mascherine e distanziamento sociale.
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